Rocky Patel Fifty-Five (55) Robusto is a luxurious medium to full-bodied cigar, boasting a Maduro Nicaraguan wrapper, Costa Rican binder, and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, all meticulously hand-rolled at Tavicusa in Esteli, Nicaragua. The entire blend features a consistent ring gauge of 55, adding to its allure and uniqueness. Initially crafted as a limited edition release to honor Rocky’s 55th birthday, its overwhelming popularity led to its permanent inclusion in the Rocky Patel collection.
The blend showcases Rocky’s own tobacco, ensuring an exceptional smoking experience. Indulge in the richness and complexity of Rocky Patel Fifty-Five cigars, and make them a cherished addition to your humidor. With every puff, you’ll be grateful for the memorable journey this cigar takes you on.
Remarkable Product Attributes: Rocky Patel Fifty-Five is a unique blend celebrating Patel’s 55th birthday.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “An earthy smoke with hints of dried cranberries and honey. A delightful experience.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Rocky Patel Fifty-Five (55) Robusto with 89-point ratings.
You should also try Rocky Patel Fifty Five Toro! To view all sizes, return to the blend. If you are interested in other blends by this brand, Please visit Rocky Patel Cigars. You may also check Maduro and Nicaragua wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.