The Quesada 40th Anniversary Toro Real Giant cigar was introduced in the Dominican Republic in 2014 to commemorate Manuel Quesada’s 40 years as a cigar maker. These handmade medium-bodied cigars are wrapped in a San Andrés EMS leaf with beautiful medium-brown color with a Dominican Criollo binder and Dominican/Nicaraguan filler tobacco. This medium/full-bodied cigar features a pressed center and bulges at both ends. The smoke begins as aromatic and herbal, then develops notes of spicy licorice and rich chocolate. Try Quesada 40th Anniversary Toro Real today!
The Quesada family first arrived in Cuba as bakers. In the late 1800s, debt was repaid to them with tobacco and they started to work in the tobacco industry. Then, in 1929, they set out to find new tobaccos and landed in the Dominican Republic. However, the Quesada Cigars factory remained in Havana until the 1960s. They created a new company, Manufactura de Tabacos, S.A. (MATASA), to manage the manufacturing of Dominican cigars in Santiago. They went on to release a variety of blends that received spectacular reviews from Cigar Aficionado, such as 40th Anniversary and Reserva Privada. To this day, the Quesada factory continues to create new and exciting blends. Buy Quesada 40th Anniversary Toro Real cigars today, for sale at Cigar Country.
Remarkable Product Attributes: The Quesada 40th Anniversary Toro Real cigar is oftentimes referred to as the Manolo blend or Q40.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “A sleek smooth blend with lingering dark cocoa and leather that accompany every puff.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado has awarded Quesada 40th Anniversary Toro Real a 89-point rating.
For a robusto cigar, try Quesada 40th Anniversary Robusto. Check out all sizes within the blend! If you are interested in other blends by this brand, please visit Quesada Cigars. Lastly, you may also return to the homepage.