Padron Family Reserve Maduro Sampler is a collection of full-bodied, box-pressed cigars crafted to celebrate Padron’s various Anniversaries. These hand-rolled cigars feature a Nicaraguan Sun Grown Maduro wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, resulting in a nostalgic and captivating smoke. What sets this blend apart is the extensive aging process that each tobacco undergoes. Aged for an impressive 10 years, these cigars offer a smoother and more balanced flavor profile. With a sampler, you can sample a variety of vitolas without committing to a full box!
The Padron Family Reserve cigar has a signature double band, proudly displaying an individually numbered guarantee label. This assures the authenticity of your smoke and safeguards against counterfeit attempts. For those seeking a cigar experience that transcends boundaries, these box-pressed cigars are a must-try. Whether you’re commemorating a special moment or simply indulging in an excellent stick, these cigars promise an exceptional and unforgettable journey. Immerse yourself in the world of Padron and elevate your smoking experience with the Padron Family Reserve Maduro Sampler today.
The Padron Family Reserve Maduro Sampler includes:
- Torpedo Family Reserve No. 44
- Toro Family Reserve No. 45
- Toro Family Reserve No. 46
- Robusto Family Reserve No. 50
- Robusto Family Reserve No. 85
Remarkable Product Attributes: These hand-crafted series have a special significance, they are special family anniversary dates.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “The Padron Family Reserve cigars are full-bodied cigars, however, they’re smoother than silk. These Nicaraguan cigars will certainly satisfy the delectable and complex flavor you’re looking for”.
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado has awarded Padron Family Reserve cigars with many 90+ point ratings.
If you prefer a natural cigar, try the Family Reserve Natural Sampler. To continue exploring this brand, check out Padron Samplers or the Family Reserve blend. You can also explore all blends by visiting Padron Cigars. If you would like to browse other assortments, you may go to Premium Cigar Samplers. Lastly, you may explore other Nicaragua wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.