Padron Damaso No 15 cigars pay homage to the Padron family’s rich history, commemorating the first Padron’s arrival in Cuba in the 1800s. They are handcrafter as a mild to medium-bodied Toro with an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan long-filler tobacco. These cigars offer an unrivaled smoothness and balance, elevating the smoking experience. This is an excellent blend for new smokers or those who just prefer to enjoy lighter smokes.
For those already familiar with the excellence of Padron cigars, Damaso Connecticut offers a unique twist—a milder blend that still delivers quality and complexity. Whether you’re winding down after a meal or seeking a midday pick-me-up, the Padron Damaso No 15 is the perfect companion. Its smoothness and balance make it an ideal pairing with a cup of coffee or as a break during the day. Try these spectacular cigars today and experience the passion and flavor that only Padron can deliver. Shop now!
Remarkable Product Attributes: It took five generations to perfect the profile for this cigar.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “The cigar delivers creamy, delicate, and rich notes of cedar, black pepper, also soft spices, and smooth flavors.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado has rated Padron Damaso No 15 with an 89-point rating.
If you prefer a larger cigar, try Padron Damaso No. 17. View all sizes by visiting the blend. You can also explore all blends by visiting Padron Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other Ecuador Connecticut wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.