Padron 50th Anniversary Refill Natural is a box of limited edition full-bodied cigars commemorating Padron’s 50th Anniversary. Each cigar is adorned with a Sun Grown Natural wrapper that has been aged for a minimum of ten years, resulting in a rich, complex flavor profile that is unparalleled in the world of premium cigars. Originally released in limited quantities as part of 1,000 chests containing 50 sequentially numbered cigars, 50th Anniversary is now available for purchase as individual refills with black and non-sequential serial numbers.
Each puff delivers flavors with notes of dark chocolate, espresso, and spice. Whether you’re marking a special occasion or simply indulging in the finest cigars, Padron 50th Anniversary cigars are a must-have addition to any collection. Available exclusively at Cigar Country, these limited edition cigars offer aficionados the opportunity to experience the legacy of Padron in its purest form. Don’t miss your chance to savor the extraordinary taste and sophistication of Padron 50th Anniversary Refill Natural cigar box today.
Remarkable Product Attributes: This tobacco is aged for a minimum of 10 years offering a sleek smooth smoke.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “An intense smoke with lingering aromas of wood and coffee.”
Accolades: Halfwheel awarded Padron 50th Anniversary Refill Natural a 91-point rating.
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