The Montecristo Classic Series Churchill offers aficionados a masterpiece in one of the world’s most iconic cigar blends. While its heritage traces back to Cuba, these exceptional cigars are now meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic at the esteemed Tabacalera de García cigar factory. The Classic Churchill is celebrated for its mild to medium-bodied character, exuding a sweet aroma and showcasing impeccable construction. Crafted with the finest Connecticut shade wrappers and a blend of Dominican filler and binder tobaccos, it delivers an unforgettable smoking experience that lives up to its renowned name.
This cigar from the Montecristo Classic Series offers a remarkable complexity of flavors, all delivered on the smoother side with a plethora of tasting notes and an effortless draw. In a world where trends may come and go, classics like Montecristo endure, making these cigars a wise choice for connoisseurs. Each box of Montecristo Classic Series Collection Churchill is meticulously maintained with two-way humidity control Boveda packs, ensuring that your cigars are delivered and stored in optimal conditions. You’ll undoubtedly find pleasure in having these cigars grace your humidor, ready to provide you with an exceptional and consistently enjoyable smoking experience whenever you desire.
Remarkable Product Attributes: Montecristo Classic Collection Churchill is a mild to medium-bodied cigar with a sweet aroma and impeccable construction.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “The perfect balance of smooth, coffee, nut, and warm spice flavors that are mellow in strength. A great cigar for breakfast – certainly the best way to start your day.”
Accolades: Montecristo Classic Series Churchill received an 85-point rating by Cigar Aficionado.
For more size options in this same blend, visit Montecristo Classic. In addition, you can also explore all blends by visiting Montecristo Cigars. However, if you prefer a smaller tubed version check out El Conde Tube. Lastly, you may also check Connecticut wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.