La Flor Dominicana Ligero Torpedito Cabinet Oscuro cigars are among our top-selling cigars, highly cherished by those who crave the rich and robust flavors of handmade cigars. These cigars, meticulously crafted by La Flor Dominicana (LFD), stand out as a testament to LFD’s unique position as one of the few brands deeply involved in the entire tobacco production process, from cultivation and aging to processing. Situated strategically in La Canela, the Dominican Republic, LFD’s estate enjoys the benefits of fertile soil and ideal conditions for cultivating high-quality tobacco. Years of dedicated work in aging their own estate-grown Ligero Tobaccos led to the creation of their first full-bodied cigar.
The Ligero Torpedito Cabinet Oscuro boasts an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, lending the cigar a captivating complexity. Inside, the blend is filled with estate-grown Dominican filler and binder tobaccos, chosen with precision. The Ligero tobacco leaves, harvested from the uppermost part of the tobacco plant, are characterized by their dark, oily appearance and intense flavor profile. While La Flor Dominicana Ligero Torpedito Cabinet Oscuro cigars are designed for aficionados who appreciate full-bodied cigars, newcomers should approach them with caution and ensure they’ve eaten beforehand. If you’re drawn to bold and spicy flavors, don’t hesitate to order your La Flor Dominicana Ligero Torpedito Cabinet Oscuro cigars today, and enjoy the pleasure of smoking them, almost as if you were at the factory itself.
Remarkable Product Attributes: LFD Ligero Torpedito Cabinet Oscuro cigars are made with select estate-grown tobaccos from LFD’s farm in the Dominican Republic.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “It’s a cigar with a lot of power as each puff bursts with black, white, and red pepper, leather and earth, and a sweet touch of raisin.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded La Flor Dominicana LFD Ligero Torpedito Cabinet Oscuro cigars an 88-point rating.
To see other size options in this same blend, please visit La Flor Dominicana Ligero. To see all blends by this brand, please visit La Flor Dominicana Cigars. Also, check out a bigger-sized cigar 707 Natural. Lastly, you may check out Ecuador and Sumatra wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.