La Flor Dominicana Ligero LFD L400 Oscuro cigars are among our top-selling cigars, cherished by aficionados who savor the intense, full-bodied character of handcrafted cigars. The L400 boasts a substantial 54 x 5 3/4″ Toro size, offering a generous smoking experience. La Flor Dominicana distinguishes itself as one of the rare brands deeply involved in the entire tobacco production process, from cultivation and aging to meticulous processing. Their strategically located farm in La Canela, Dominican Republic, is renowned for its fertile soil and exceptional tobacco crops. After years of patient aging of their estate-grown Ligero Tobaccos, La Flor Dominicana was primed to create their inaugural full-bodied cigar.
LFD Ligero Oscuro L400 cigars feature an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper enfolding a meticulously selected blend of estate-grown Dominican filler and binder. This combination results in an exceptional and richly flavored smoke. Introduced in 2001, these cigars deliver a creamy, smooth profile while pushing the boundaries of robust flavor and captivating aroma. Prepare for a truly immersive, full-flavored experience with La Flor Dominicana Ligero LFD L400 Oscuro cigars. Ideal for those who crave bold, spicy flavors, these cigars should be savored after a substantial meal. Secure your factory-fresh cigars directly from the Dominican Republic at Cigar Country and embark on a bold and flavorful journey emblematic of this esteemed brand.
Remarkable Product Attributes: LFD Ligero L400 Oscuro cigars are made with select estate-grown tobaccos from LFD’s farm in the Dominican Republic.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “It’s a cigar with a lot of power as each puff bursts with black, white, and red pepper, leather and earth, and a sweet touch of raisin.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded La Flor Dominicana LFD Ligero L400 Oscuro cigars an 86-point rating.
To see other size options in this same blend, please visit La Flor Dominicana Ligero. To see all blends by this brand, please visit La Flor Dominicana Cigars. Also, check out the Natural version L400 Natural. Lastly, you should try Ecuador wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.