La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Ligero A cigars are truly a cigar aficionado’s dream, especially for those who savor the bold and full flavors of handcrafted cigars. These giants of the cigar world, measuring an impressive 9 inches by 47 ring gauge, are a testament to LFD’s commitment to producing exceptional, top-quality cigars. LFD stands out as one of the rare brands that cultivate, age, and process their own tobacco, and their strategic location in La Canela, Dominican Republic, is renowned for its fertile soil and the production of high-quality tobacco crops. The Ligero A cigars showcase the pinnacle of LFD’s craftsmanship. The Ligero tobacco used in these cigars, harvested from the uppermost leaves of the tobacco plant, is celebrated for its intense, dark, and oily characteristics, resulting in a truly remarkable flavor profile.
These cigars feature an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, expertly complemented by estate-grown Dominican filler and binder tobaccos. The result is a flavor that can only be described as outstanding. These cigars are not for the faint of heart; their robust and full-bodied experience demands that you have a hearty meal before lighting one up. If you’re a connoisseur seeking a bold and spicy flavor, the La Flor Dominicana Ligero A cigars are the perfect choice. Get yours factory fresh and direct from the Dominican Republic at Cigar Country, where you can enjoy the sensation of smoking them right at the factory. Don’t miss out on this exceptional blend from a brand celebrated for its dedication to full-flavored cigars.
Remarkable Product Attributes: LFD Ligero A cigars are made with select estate-grown tobaccos from LFD’s farm in the Dominican Republic.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “A cigar with a lot of power as each puff bursts with black, white, and red pepper along with leather, earth, and a sweet touch of raisin.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado has awarded La Flor Dominicana LFD Ligero cigars many 90+ point ratings, A is sure to follow.
To see more rare LFD options please visit La Flor Dominicana Limited Edition. On the other hand, to see all blends by this brand, please visit La Flor Dominicana Cigars. Nevertheless, for a unique smoking experience check out Lancero Cameroon. Lastly, you may try other rare cigars or return to the homepage.