La Aurora 1495 Series Robusto emerges as a medium to medium-full body cigar meticulously crafted for connoisseurs seeking an exceptional smoking experience. This outstanding blend comprises a harmonious mix of six flavorful and robust tobaccos sourced from five different countries. Cigar artisans invest precision and care into each creation, utilizing a dark and oily Ecuadorian wrapper, a binder from Brazil, and a blend of Peruvian, Dominican, Brazilian, and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. The resulting flavors are poised to captivate and keep enthusiasts on the edge of their seats, making La Aurora 1495 Serie Robusto a cigar destined for admiration.
These cigars pay tribute to the foundation of Santiago de Los Caballeros, the city La Aurora proudly calls home. La Aurora, a distinguished and expansive modern company, has maintained a consistent and sustainable growth trajectory since its establishment in 1903. With a formidable presence across five continents and a workforce exceeding a thousand employees, this landmark operation continues to produce some of the finest cigars globally. Renowned for their diverse and high-quality offerings, La Aurora cigars are celebrated for their mild to fuller-body blends, seamlessly blending tradition with innovation. La Aurora 1495 Series Robusto cigars, in particular, promise an incredibly pleasant smoking experience that lingers on the palate. Elevate your collection with these prestigious cigars, available for acquisition at Cigar Country.
Remarkable Product Attributes: A complex blend incorporating 6 tobaccos from 5 different countries into one cigar.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “This smoke starts with spicy notes of black pepper, easing into a wooden taste that is pervasive throughout. Hints of cinnamon, citrus, and nuts surprise you and lead you to a creamy yet powerful finish.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded La Aurora 1495 Series Robusto with a 90-point rating.
For other sizes of this same blend, please visit La Aurora 1945 Series. However, to view all blends by this brand, check out La Aurora Cigars. Nevertheless, for a different option in this blend, check out, 1495 Series Belicoso. Lastly, browse other Ecuadorian wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.