Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto cigars are medium to full-bodied, celebrating the politician and Prime Minister Churchill’s late-night creativity. The original Winston Churchill blend debuted in 2015. In fact, this series followed in its footsteps and debuted in 2017. This stogie is unique as its Condega Visus tobacco ages in the highest quality single scotch whiskey barrels. As a result, leaves ferment against the cask and age for a total of six months. Furthermore, the tobacco absorbs the mesmerizing aromas and flavors of the scotch, leading to strong and sweet flavors. Available in three sizes: Churchill, Toro, and Robusto. Hence, a classic lineup for a classic smoke – available at Cigar Country!
Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto features a Dominican and Nicaraguan filler, a Mexican binder, and an Ecuadorian Habano Marron Oscuro wrapper. Certainly, a beautiful blend incorporating wood, spice, and dark chocolate flavors. Notes of sweet coffee are a perfect complement to the hints of soft leather. Additionally, this cigar is darker than the original 2015 blend and delivers bolder flavors – inspired by Churchill’s passion and drive. Perfect for those who thrive at night and love being creative. Are you a night owl? This stick is sure to inspire you throughout those long nights. Try Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto today!
Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour uses Condega Visus tobacco which ages in whiskey barrels.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “The whiskey barrel-aging was an amazing touch. The flavors of Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto are intense and bold. Likewise, the wood and spices from the whiskey can be tasted in each puff.
Accolades: Halfwheel awarded Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto with a 92-point rating.
However, if you are interested in other sizes in this blend, please visit Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour. Additionally, to view all blends by this brand, check out Davidoff Cigars. Moreover, for a slightly bigger-sized cigar check out Late Hour Toro. Lastly, you may explore other Ecuador and Habano wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.