The Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill cigars pay tribute to the legendary British statesman and Prime Minister with a medium-bodied limited edition blend that exudes sophistication and refinement. It stands as the only blend bearing his name and silhouette, capturing the essence of his remarkable legacy. The original blend features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Mexican binder, and a filler composed of Dominican Cuban-seed and Nicaraguan leaves. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a novice enthusiast, indulging in this cigar allows you to experience the essence of British royalty firsthand.
Part of the Original Collection, these cigars bear the distinguished “White Label” on their bands, symbolizing their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. This earthy cigar offers an incredibly aromatic experience, with each puff releasing delightful scents of flowers and herbs into the air. The blend’s complexity is further highlighted by the incorporation of distinct tobaccos, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the British Prime Minister himself. Embark on a journey of discovery and savor the unparalleled taste and sophistication of the Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill cigar, available at Cigar Country.
Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill is the only limited edition cigar carrying the Prime Minister’s name and silhouette.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “An is an elegant smoke to match the name. The floral scents are amazing, and the earthy tones match perfectly. Truly a great cigar.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded the Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill cigar an 86-point rating.
However, if you are interested in other sizes in this blend by this brand, please visit Winston Churchill. Additionally, to view all blends by this brand, check out Davidoff Cigars. Moreover, for a smaller-sized cigar check out Belicoso. Lastly, you may explore other Ecuador and Habano wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.