Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua natural series are short, mild Dominican beauties. Davidoff considers these cigars a 15-minute adventure. Moreover, they feature an Ecuadorian binder, Dominican and Nicaraguan filler, and a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. A remarkable mix of tobaccos in a petit panatela 43 x 4 1/8″ size. It is exceptional as it incorporates tobaccos enriched by the fiery earth near Nicaragua’s forty volcanoes. This timeless blend is bittersweet – smooth tastes of dark chocolate and roasted coffee throughout the smoke. Davidoff Primeros also come in sleek, aluminum tins, which make them great for traveling. So fill your day with short adventures, and buy a tin today!
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua is perfect for those on the move who still want to enjoy a worthwhile and flavorful smoke. Cigar artisans handroll each petit panatela using the highest quality tobacco. If you’re looking for stronger flavors, check out Primeros Maduro, and Nicaragua Maduro. However, for a spicier blend, check out Primeros Escurio! Nevertheless, for an equally mild blend, try Primeros Classic. Try all Davidoff Primeros and find your favorite 15-minute Dominican adventure. Regardless of which blend you pick, an adventure awaits. Collect them all and stamp your cigar passport. Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua is available at Cigar Country!
Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua comes in a Petit Panatela format, perfect for short smokes.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “It’s a bittersweet cigar, perfect for short breaks that require a mild smoke. The combination of flavors is like a melody on your tongue – soothing and smooth.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff cigars with multiple 90+ point ratings, try it with Primeros Nicaragua.
If you are interested in other blends of this size, please visit Davidoff Primeros. To view all blends by this brand, check out Davidoff Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other Nicaragua and Habano wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.