Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto is a medium to full-bodied cigar from the Dominican Republic. It is crafted with the finest Aged Pilotico, San Vincente, and Olor tobaccos, wrapped in a rich, oily Ecuadorian wrapper, delivering a truly unique smoking experience. At Davidoff, only the very best Dominican tobacco is chosen—just 1 out of every 10 plant seeds meets their high standards. Designed for those who appreciate sweetness and quality, this cigar is a must-have.
Part of Davidoff’s renowned Dominican blends, the Millennium Blend Short Robusto features the brand’s iconic white bands, symbolizing luxury and sophistication. With a size of 52 x 4 1/4″, this cigar offers a perfect balance of flavor and craftsmanship. Discover the different sizes available, each offering its own distinct taste. Elevate your smoking experience with these exceptional cigars, which capture the timeless elegance and refinement of the Davidoff legacy. Get yours today, sourced directly from the Dominican Republic.
Remarkable Product Attributes: The Davidoff Millennium blend Short Robusto features Aged Pilotico, San Vincente, and Olor tobaccos from the Dominican Republic.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “Prepare your palate for a symphony of flavors as this exceptional blend tantalizes with a harmonious fusion of sweet chocolate and caramel, accentuated by subtle notes of spicy white pepper.”
Accolades: Fine Tobacco NYC awarded Davidoff Millennium Short Robusto a 94-point rating.
If you are interested in other sizes in this blend, please visit Davidoff Millennium. However, to view all blends by this brand, check out Davidoff Cigars. Nevertheless, for a different option in this same blend, check out Millennium Blend Toro. Lastly, you may also explore other Ecuador wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.