Davidoff Gift Selection Figurado is an assortment box of Davidoff’s 6 best-selling cigars from the Escurio, Aniversario, Nicaragua, Yamasa, and Millennium blends. These include Aniversario Short Perfecto, Aniversario Special “T”, Millennium Piramides, Escurio Gran Perfecto, Nicaragua Diademas, and Yamasa Piramides. This offering features cigars ranging from mild to medium and medium to full intensity. A wonderful selection that allows you to enjoy an array of flavors in unique, classic shapes. This is the best way to find your favorite blend!
Curious about Davidoff stogies, or simply enjoying many of their blends? Get a taste of what the master blenders have to offer with these carefully curated assortment packs. It features many of Davidoff’s highest-quality blends, hand-selecting the best cigars and placing them in an elegant box. These are perfect for gifts, traveling, or simply treating yourself. Turn any day into a special occasion with this sampler. Available at Cigar Country!
Remarkable Product Attributes: It’s the perfect way to sample through the Davidoff core blends. Ideal for gifting or just pampering yourself.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “This Davidoff Figurado Selection has a plethora of flavors, varying in strengths and tastes. Each blend is unique and incredibly delicious. They’re all worth trying.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff Figurados multiple 90+ point ratings.
If you’d like to try a different sampler, please visit Davidoff Samplers. However, if you’d like to explore other blends by this brand, please visit Davidoff Cigars. Nevertheless, for a different option on this same blend, please visit Robusto Tubos Selection Black. If you would like to browse other assortments, you may go to Premium Cigar Samplers. Lastly, return to the homepage.