The Davidoff Aniversario Double R is a mild to medium-bodied cigar with an Ecuadorian wrapper, a Dominican binder, and a blend of Dominican long-filler tobacco. Crafted to commemorate Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday in 1986, this Dominican Double Corona-sized cigar is remarkable. Each puff delivers prominent notes of cedar and spice. As you savor this fine cigar, you’ll detect nuances of leather, black pepper, and nuts that fill the air, creating a sensory delight. These cigars are ideal for turning any moment into a special occasion, making them a favorite among aficionados. Shop now!
Davidoff Cigars, a brand rooted in Geneva with a heritage spanning five centuries, is celebrated for its unwavering commitment to excellence. Their tobacco plants are cultivated in the pristine conditions of the Dominican Republic, where the combination of fertile soil, ideal temperatures, and a precise balance of sun and rain produces exceptional tobacco. Only the highest-quality leaves are chosen for Davidoff cigars, with just one out of every ten plant seeds meeting their exacting standards. The Davidoff Aniversario Double R stands as a testament to this dedication to perfection, making it a must-try for both Davidoff enthusiasts and cigar connoisseurs seeking an exceptional smoking experience.
Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Aniversario Double R is one of the Davidoff core Dominican blends featuring a white label.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “A delicious mix of cedar, leather, and spices. Notes of nuts and black pepper are pervasive throughout the smoke.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff Aniversario Double R an 89-point rating.
If you are interested in other sizes in this same blend by this brand, please visit Davidoff Aniversario. You should also check out Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto. To view all blends by this brand, check out Davidoff Cigars. Lastly, browse other Ecuador wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.